Archive for January, 2010


Movie #24: Another State of Mind


Another State of MindHer Take: Another State of Mind is a documentary about a tour involving 2 punk bands in the early 80s. And, it looks like it was shot in the 80s. By which I mean, the film is fuzzy and shaky. At times, you can’t hear the interviews over the soundtrack playing through the movie. The two bands (Social Distortion and Band of Youth) aim to tour for five weeks and play 30-35 shows. They all travel together in a modded school bus. They look like you would expect 80s punk kids to dress. The music isn’t really my cup of tea. But what I do appreciate are the interspersed interviews with kids that they came across on tour. They talk about how people react to them, how they got involved in the punk scene, etc. There are even some scenes with people who got out of the punk scene and found Christ. Interesting stuff, but overall I only give it 2.5 stars.

His Take: This is actually pretty straight forward. It’s very nice seeing a young Mike Ness, back when he was still vibrant and full of vitality. I enjoy the clips of random homeless guys who wander into the free shows and dance. Seems back in my punk rock show attending days those type of quirky people were always showing up and starting a scene. Why, I remember one time these skinheads were there causing a ruckus and waiting in the parking lot to beat up the keyboard player of one of the bands. These days I’m too old to put up with BS like that, but I do still enjoy a good punk show. This documentary captures the right on the edge of despair lifestyle I think too many punks come too dangerously close to, and is a nice vivisection of the particular era. Look for the meetup with Minor Threat and the interview with Ian McKaye at the DC leg of the show. I always love old footage of Minor Threat and listening to Ian speak. Seriously good times for people serious about that time. Solid 4 out of 5.


Movie #23: Anchorman


AnchormanHer Take: I loved this movie from the moment I saw it. I remember Luke Wilson appearing onscreen randomly during the news team rumble and gasping. This movie came out around the same time as Dodgeball (which is also in our collection), and both are hilarious. The movie is a comedy with Will Ferrell starring as Ron Burgundy and his news team in the 70s. They are living it up because their 6:00 PM news is at the top of the ratings. A woman comes along and shakes things up, enduring pretty ridiculous sexual harassment attempts. If you do not laugh out loud while watching this movie, there is probably something wrong with you. The cast has Will Ferrell, Steve Carrell, and Paul Rudd with a special appearance by Jack Black (“That’s how I roll.”). Sixty percent of the time this movie makes me laugh every time, so it gets 5 stars.

His Take: This falls in the category of “Can’t believe I missed how funny and awesome this is the first time around” which includes Zoolander. I laughed so hard during this watching that you’d think it wasn’t me that watched it the first time. I really think it was just a bias against Will Ferrell. I used to hate his movies, but ever since seeing Talladega Nights, Stranger than Fiction, and Winter’s Passing, I’ve really come around. I would really like more Vince Vaughn and Paul Rudd, but other than that this one is solid. In fact who wants to sign the petition to get them in a buddy cop movie together. Now that would be the Jam. Burt Reynolds could make an appearance, with that kid from Webster and they could show Paul and Vince how to really make a buddy cop flick. Man, does anyone remember Turner and Hooch? Wow. I actually saw Dan Finnerty on Jimmy Fallon and it got me wanting to see Old School again. I love The Dan Band’s rendition of “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” I effin need it more than eva. Seriously though, Will Ferrell is a funny dude, and it’s sad that it took me watching his more serious work to realize the brilliance of his comedic mind. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to go bathe in some Sex Panther. Stay classy, interwebs. 4.5 stars out of 5.


Movie #22: American Psycho


American PsychoHer Take: After seeing this movie several times, I am still not exactly sure what to make of it. This movie is based on a book by Bret Easton Ellis. The main character, Patrick Bateman as played by Christian Bale, is an investment banker in the 80s. He is engaged to Reese Witherspoon, although he is cheating on her and seems to loathe her. He starts murdering people, beginning with Paul Allen and moving onto hookers and random strangers on the street. Or, does he? I’m still not sure. But what I do know is that Christian Bale is hot and naked in this movie. That about makes it worth it to watch. That and the satire of yuppies in the 80s. I give this movie 3 stars.

His Take: When I was in the Netherlands and it was awesome and we went to a library and as expected they had mostly books in Dutch and I was still learning Dutch, but not that I’ve actually mastered it or anything, and am totally thinking about learning Spanish now instead, there were a few books in English. So few in fact that I ended up reading Bret Easton Ellis’s Rules of Attraction. Being a fan of Hubert Selby, Martin Amis, and Chuck Palahnuik I fell in love immediately. So it’s no surprise that I’m into American Psycho in a big way. Christian Bale is always amazing in everything he is in. (Why do we not have El Maquinista in our collection?) The movie is pretty standard fair. You’ve got anti-Reagan, anti-80’s yuppie coked out scum. It’s very interesting thinking of this piece as a period piece, but ultimately I think that is exactly what it is. More appropriately, an indictment of that particular period. it might be sick, but my favorite parts, as any of my friends can attest to as we generally quote them, changing them to fit our own contexts of course, include “Don’t just stare at it, eat it!” and the moment he drops the chainsaw and it hits the blond call girl. I love how comical the film is, which further adds to how ridiculous the 80’s were. Seeing Christian Bale doing a bunch of crunches is pretty rad too. Man that dood is buff. Not as badass!(TM) as when he drops down from standing into a pushup in Batman Begins though. The other part of this movie is discussing with your friends if you think the guy is really pulling off these murders or if he’s just insane. This particular viewing I have to go with, he’s just insane and no one is actually dead. But this is one of those movies that I keep flip-flopping around on like Total Recall in what is actually going on. Some people have told me to look for the bloodstain on the collar, but I actually couldn’t see it this time. A fantastic view of how disturbed and out of whack modern capitalist America has become. Love its darkness and comedy. 4.5 out of 5